Let’s face it. “Bad Hair Days” are not a made up thing.
They exist. They are real. Sometimes I swear it’s a miscommunication between me and my round brush while I strain to hold the dryer in the right direction. Some days it’s because I’m rushed – wait, not some days, ALL DAYS – because I’m trying to take care of children and a household AND get beautiful (Ok, maybe just socially acceptable) at the same time. Whatever it is, my hair sometimes suffers.
It takes TIME to do your hair each and every day.
It takes time in the shower, time blow drying and more time styling. I usually have to get up earlier to allow for this, since my hair is long and my children still want to be around me no matter WHAT I seem to be doing – but inevitably, one of my children will wake up from the sound of the shower or hair dryer with a crisis of some sort and I end up feeling frustrated – because I got up earlier, because the attention that my children needed was divided AND because my hair STILL didn’t come out right because I was interrupted and rushed. Ugh.
Who knew a ‘bad hair day’ had so much power?
Anyway, I’ve implemented a new routine and it WORKS!
I don’t wash my hair every day anymore. (I know, it’s blasphemy!)
Twice a week only. I know, it’s hard at first, but within a few weeks of doing this, your scalp adjusts its oil production and instead of greasy or dry hair, you have beautiful locks! But you have to stick it out for a bit to get to that point. Some people prefer to start every other day and then every third day, then every fourth until they feel more confident with not washing the hair every day.
When I do wash my hair, I wash it at night, while my children are watching a show or eating dessert or reading a story.
I wash twice a week. One of those two nights will be the day that I’ve washed and changed the sheets on the bed so that my newly washed hair will be on a clean pillowcase. (I know, who thinks of stuff like that?) But I wash at night as a treat to MYSELF. When I do that, I have the TIME I want to blow dry it with my round brush the right way – without being rushed or interrupted. It looks and feels great, plus I’m relaxed and feeling wonderful before bed.
On the days that I DON’T wash my hair in the morning, I use dry shampoo.
Dry Shampoo is magic in a can. It gives hair life and bounce and volume and leaves it smelling great. I often get compliments on my hair when I HAVEN’T washed my hair in the shower and instead have used my favorite dry shampoo – Batiste dry shampoo.
I’ve tried different brands of dry shampoo and frankly, none of them come close to Batiste.
Some leave your hair feeling tacky or heavy or don’t seem to work at all. The VERY BEST ONE I’ve found BY FAR is Batiste in Blush – it’s got a light, pretty, non offensive scent and it works like a charm.
You comb out your hair first. Then spray just where you might get a little (or a lot!) oily and also at the crown of your head (for volume). ONLY SPRAY AT THE ROOTS! And don’t go overboard with the amount or it WON’T work. Wait about a minute and let it do its thing. I love my Batiste and refuse to let it run out – I always have a backup can in stock! 😉 I can’t find Batiste everywhere but you can get it by clicking on any of my affiliate links at Amazon below.
Below from left to right: the original Batiste, a mini variety pack of Batiste in different scents, a Batiste for Brunettes, and a Batiste for Blondes. Treat yourself and try one of them out!
So, give it a shot and try out this routine – it will give you more of your mornings back, more TIME, you’ll SPEND LESS money on shampoos and conditioners (not to mention water from those long daily showers!) and your hair will look SO MUCH BETTER! Come back and tell me how much more you love your hair!

Goodbye bad hair days and HELLO GORGEOUS! 😉