About Ma’s Artwork on Society6…
So, I like to create art from time to time – from acrylic paintings to mandala and zentangled drawings and some stuff in between. I was REALLY excited when I discovered Society6 to promote my artwork in all different ways – from some of the coolest leggings I’ve seen…

….to a fun (perfect for a college dorm room!) duvet cover to die for!

My mother even gave some cool hospitality gifts – some carryall pouches – to an old girlfriend she hadn’t seen in over 40 years!
About Ma’s Artwork on Etsy….
I love mandalas and the peace it give me to create them. I love using mediums from ink dipped pens to acrylic paints to create them onto stones. Each stone is unique and gave me great joy to create. Check out my shop and see if there is anything that might tickle your fancy or make a great gift for that hard to buy person….teacher, office mate, hospital patient….

How Ma’s artwork started….

I grew up in a beautiful, small, New England town.
My parents, my sister and I lived in an old house that had a yard with a swing set underneath an enormous weeping willow tree. In the spring, our lilac trees would intoxicate us with their blossoms and we would always have cut lilacs throughout the house. We grew a flower and vegetable garden in the summers and would slide down our backyard hill in the winters. We kept warm during the snowy winters with our two wood stoves. The firewood we used was from the cords of wood that my father would chop in the late summer and that we had brought in and stacked in the fall.
Our backyard was bordered by lots of woods and wild creatures, like opossum, deer, turkey, skunks, foxes and much more. For fun, we would ride bikes, play outside until dark and make up obstacle courses in our yard with the neighbors. We would bike to a nearby water hole, listen to the bullfrogs and practice skipping stones.
On the hottest of summer days, my mother would take us to the local pond for some swimming with our neighbors and friends. I loved this place, and I still make a point to visit it from time to time with my children. After all of these years, if I close my eyes, I can still hear the sounds of the water running over the pond’s damn. It flows into the most beautiful brook I have ever seen – water dancing from stone to stone as children attempt to make their way from one side to the other. I can still smell the trees, the water and air….it fills my soul from the inside out.
Meditative art allows the artist to trust themselves as an artist and as a connected soul.
When I create a mandala, I start from the very center. Often the center is as simple as a tiny dot and I allow the art to flow from there. I create a design from that center outward, trusting that as long as I have started from the very center, the art will lead me to where the piece needs to go.
In many ways, my hometown is my center mark. It is where my soul feels free. The air, the smells, the sounds – they are all sweeter to me there. And no matter how far I may travel, or who I meet along the way, my hometown has remained that center mark – that starting point to trust as I make my way out.
May you know your center and trust in it. Thank you for allowing me to share this piece of my heart.
Please – take a look at the EverydayWithMa Society6 Store – and, please – let me know what you think!
***EverydayWithMa earns money directly from any sale made from the Etsy store promoted on this site.***